Since retiring, I've been spending a lot more time working to improve my craft as a picture book writer. This includes connecting with a lot of the children's writing community online. Having been in education my entire life, this new world of traditional publishing: querying agents, learning from editors, lurking as new online connections converse about the overwhelming process, has been very interesting! Last night when I saw others tweeting (yes, I will always call it that!) about Susanna Leonard Hill's 2023 Holiday Writing Contest, I knew I had to give it a shot (my first writing contest ever)! The theme this year is Holiday Countdown so the piece had to include counting something down. The hardest part was reducing my first draft to the 250 word limit, especially while trying to keep the rhyme and meter as tight as possible. Some of that smoothness was sacrificed, but lesson learned! Those of you who know me, know I am passionate about integrating relevant STEM at the elementary level! So you KNOW I had to include a drone in my entry! As I wrote Devoted Drone Deliveries, I thought back to missions our GLIDE girls had done over the years and how it is so important for girls to see themselves represented in drone education and the drone industry. I knew the main character had to be one of the most caring and amazing young drone pilots I'd had the pleasure to teach, Jordan. As a side note, the importance of growing this representation and elementary drone integration is exactly why I am so honored to be part of the curriculum team at Drone Legends! They share that passion! So anyway! Here is my debut writing contest entry! Enjoy!
Devoted Drone Deliveries Jordan loves the people who live in her neighborhood! Holidays are here again and so to do some good… She wants to use her trusty drone to give each house a gift, that way she’ll stay anonymous and spirits she will lift! House number 10, Mr. Frost works down at the deli. To him, she gives some homemade bread and jar of apple jelly. Number 9, Mrs. Green, a mom with seven kids, her gift is cookies, sweetly baked in tins with matching lids. Number 8, on down the street, John and Jerry Knox, they work out in the cold all day their gifts, knitted socks. Number 7 is the place the Lopez family lives. They always wave and shout hello, a smiley flag she gives. Number 6, Grandpa Frank, although he’s not related, he’s loved by everyone around his gift, art she created. Number 5, with fading paint belongs to Captain Smoots, he works hard daily catching fish; her drone delivers boots. Number 4, Mrs. Nell who has a bunch of cats, Jordan gives her treats and toys that look like little rats! Number 3 belongs to Ann who sleeps during the day, she works the night shift at the mill, for her, a big bouquet. Number 2, a tiny home owned by Officer Mark, a flashlight is his gift this year to help him in the dark. Number 1, the final stop is Jordan’s own home place. She views the pictures from the drone, smiles on EVERY face!
1 Comment
12/9/2023 07:36:14 am
I absolutely love this story!! I was picturing the illustrations as I read it. Love how the main character was based on a former student.
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Kim CollazoSTEM Advocate and Picture Book Author Archives
January 2025